The Basic Modes-

Auto Mode- A camera mode where all settings are set for you to take a well-exposed photo with little effort.

Portrait Mode- A camera mode that sharpens the subject and blurs the background so the subject can stick out. 

Landscape Mode- A camera mode that enhances depth of field to capture a wider view of surroundings.

Sports Mode- A camera mode used to capture a subject while it’s moving.

Night Portrait Mode- 

Close-up Mode- A camera mode that’s used to take close ups of subjects while keeping it in focus. 

Advanced Mode- A camera mode that gives you more control over your camera’s exposure to a certain level.

Program Mode- A camera mode that automatically sets the shutter speed and the aperture. 

Aperture Priority Mode-

Shutter Priority Mode- A camera mode that sets the right aperture to give you good exposure to freeze the action.

Manual Mode- A camera mode that gives you the choice to set all your camera settings as you like it. 


M, 1/500ss, f/8, ISO 400, 20mm

M, 1/250ss, f/7.1, ISO 400, 55mm

M, 1/60 ss, f/8, ISO 800, 20mm

Critique: I believe I did okay on the framing photo assignment. I think my first two photos are edited well but my third photo could’ve been better. If I shot this assignment again, I would choose better areas for better lighting and choose a better frame for my photos. I personally don’t think my photos deserve to be on the blog home page because it shouldn’t be considered one of the best from all the photo classes since they aren’t perfect.


My photo collage represents me very well. All the photos on my collage represent things I love and love to do. My collage includes my cute dog named Gorda, my favorite foods to eat, Starbucks, apps, and stickers of my favorite characters, and shopping. The shopping bags and Target dog represent that I like to go shopping a lot. My pink background and pink items show my love for the color pink. The BMW M3 e30 is my dream car for when I begin driving. Overall, my photo collage represents me and the things I have interest in.


M, 1/250ss, f/6.3, ISO 3200, 21mm

M, 1/30 ss, f/6.3, ISO 3200, 21mm

M, 1/30ss, f/6.3, ISO 3200, 21mm

  • Cute
  • Brown
  • Fluffy
  • Amazing
  • Charming
  • Good
  • Happy
  • Walks
  • It reminds me of my dog
  • Joyful
  • Adorable
  • Beautiful
  • Sweet
  • Shedding
  • Runs
  • Toys
  • Snacks
  • Water
  • Pink
  • Tricks
  • majestic


This amazing surrealism art piece was created by an unknow artist. This unknown artist inspired me quite a lot by this image. This art piece is beautiful and very surreal. I love the color and design choices. The meaning behind the photo is amazing. I think I did a good job on my surrealism work. My favorite part of my work was the pig since I love pigs, and I think they’re really cute. My favorite part about my work was all the pink colors that popped. The surrealism in my work is that pigs can’t fly, flowers don’t grow upside down, and the mountains aren’t pink.


M, 1600ss, f/4.5, ISO 400,19mm

M,1600ss, f/4.0, ISO 400, 18mm

M, 4000ss, f/4.5, ISO 400, 19mm

M, 3200ss, f/4.0, ISO 400, 18mm

What I learned about camera exposure

I learned many things about camera exposure and how it works. First, the exposure of a photo determines how light or dark it is. The aperture is the death of field, the shutter speed is motion blur, and the ISO speed is the image noise. Shutter speed is a powerful tool for speed. The higher the ISO speed the less noise it has.



M, F/22,1/250 SS, ISO 400, 18mm

M, F/22, 1/250 SS, ISO 400, 18mm

This creative photo was found online and taken by an unknown photographer. The photo has great contrast and many leading lines going different directions. The blacks are dark, and the whites are bright whites. The setting of the photo seems to be a school. The shadows look like fence shadows from a very protected place. Some shadows are thin, and some are thicker than others. The shadows of the fence go many different ways as some are horizontal, vertical, and diagonal. I chose this photo because I think it’s an amazing artistic photo that has great contrast. The different lines are so different yet so similar. The lines all being different and the same creates an allusion to the eye. Overall, this photo is amazing and inspirational.